Frequently asked questions
Can't find the answer you're looking for? Have a look at our FAQ page.Is MaxiChem® cut resistant?
MaxiChem® Cut™ delivers all the features and benefits of MaxiChem® with the added benefit of EN388:2016 cut level 3B protection.
Why can't you make a glove to use with all chemicals?
There are thousands of different chemicals on the market and even more mixtures. As every chemicals brings its own characteristics and react differently with glove materials there is nothing such as a "one for all" chemical resistant glove on the market. The most common material used as a chemical resistant glove is - Nitrile. This material offers good resistance versus oils, acids, hydroxides and alcanes. To choose the right glove for your environment please contact your supplier or ATG® Sales member.
I love your gloves.
These are the first gloves I have ever used where I can literally still type on a computer. They do need to be worn in, but once they are, you will never buy another kind of glove for this purpose again. Hardly a winter or water glove though.