Your needs guide our research
The technologies utilized in our gloves are continuously developed by a core team that matches market research and marketing analysis with the latest technological developments. This forms the foundation upon which we continually improve the customer’s experience through constant innovation.
Breakthrough: our drive to challenge convention
Scientific break-throughs are driven by our R&D facilities that are located in the heart of our production sites. In addition to in-house development the ATG® R&D team also works globally with leading universities, specialised industries and experts. This approach enhances efficient collaboration, encourages faster knowledge exchange, and shortens the development cycle.
We do it all ourselves
At ATG®, there’s one thing on which we never compromise: quality. To make sure nothing is overlooked, we operate a zero-outsourcing policy. We exercise 100% control and strictly monitor each step of the manufacturing process at all times. We source all the raw materials, upwind yarns, knit the glove liners, coat them and wash the gloves before packing them.
No effort is spared to ensure the total reliability and consistency of our products.
Planet & People
Because we value the planet and its people
Our HandCare® program is the umbrella for all our programs that are used and integrated into every single ATG® product. Our HandCare® program gives our customers and professional glove users the confidence that our full range of gloves are dermatologically safe and the environmental aspects behind the production of our gloves is solid, robust and sustainable.
ISO 14001: Environmental management
We have a dedicated team that continually measures and monitors the short and long-term ecological impact of all our production processes. An example of this is our water treatment facilities that have the ability to process rain harvested water for use in our post laundering processes. Our entire manufacturing process and facilities are ISO 14001 certified.
REACH: Protection of Human Health and the Environment
Our whole manufacturing process is in line with the requirements of the European REACH Regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemical Substances). All our gloves are DMF free and further more we guarantee that all our products today and in the future will remain free from substances of very high concern (SVHC)
Sanitized®: Added Hygiene
Within our gloves we use sanitized to keep odors to a minimum. Sanitized® is like a deodorant that helps keep your gloves fresher longer and leaves you feeling safe and protected. Please note that ATG® uses a specific grade of Sanitized® that is “triclosan free”.
Fresh out of the Pack: Oeko-Tex®
Not only do we make certain that all the elements used in our manufacturing process are safe for our employees, we also wash all the gloves after the production process as a further step in ensuring cleanliness. During this laundering process, we favour the use of water that is rain-harvested, treated and continually recycled from our own water treatment facilities. This enables us to guarantee our gloves to be “Fresh out of the pack” which is certified by Oeko-Tex®.
Dermatologically Accredited: Skin Friendly
Our gloves are also dermatologically accredited by the Skin Health Alliance. The Skin Health Alliance seal gives, for the first time in the safety industry, professional glove users the confidence that ATG®'s full range of gloves are “dermatologically safe” and the science and research behind them is robust.
We spare no effort in making sure that the ATG® glove experience is a gentle one, both for the user’s skin and for the planet. We do everything we can, from start to finish, to guarantee that our gloves are 100% allergy tested and dermatologically accredited, and can therefore be considered to be the “skin-friendliest gloves on the planet”.
We value long-term partnerships
We respect the one who touches the box last
We understand that proximity and presence is essential to ensure that our gloves are available as and when you need them. As a global business we recoginize the value that distributors create in the route to market and final user. It's the distributor that supports and services the end-users on a daily basis which is why we respect the one that touches the box last. Our role is to ensure that we provide the necessary support, education and training to enable our partners to be ambassadors for our brands. When requested we are of course available to support our partners at end-users with technical questions or specific demands.