Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Have a look at our FAQ page.

Is there silicone in MaxiCut®?

Some of our existing MaxiCut® range contains silicone, however new MaxiCut® Ultra is silicone free, and offers EN level 4C cut protection in a thin, comfortable and breathable glove.

Why do some leather gloves contain Chromium?

Tanning is the process of treating skins and hides of animals to produce leather, which is more durable and less susceptible to decomposition. Once completed there can be chromium VI within the treated leather which has led to chromium VI being listed as a substance of very high concern (SVHC) within the European REACH legislation and limited to 3PPM within EN420.

How breathable is the MaxiCut® 34-470. It seems thick?

The MaxiCut® range incorporates AIRtech® technology, meaning it features 360 degree full hand breathability.

Isn't leather better for cut protection?

Leather has traditionally been a popular material to use when cut protection was required. But this was the case, cause there were no alternatives on the market decades ago. Our CUTtech® technology platform combines and blends high performance yarns and fibres to impart different levels of cut protection with the driving philosophy to deliver high levels of comfort and wearer satisfaction. This is way ahead of the former leather gloves. These gloves were also so comfortable that there is no need to take them off for doing precision handling work.

Love your MaxiFlex® Ultimate gloves! My husband received a pair for a gift and he's been hooked on them ever since.

Jill McReynolds
Jill McReynolds

ATG® is the best!

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