Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Have a look at our FAQ page.

How is the durability of MaxiFlex®?

MaxiFlex® is exceptionally durable, and has achieved up to 18000 cycles in testing, twice the figure MaxiFlex® colour copies typically achieve. All of this means that MaxiFlex® will last longer and help to reduce your glove costs.

Why do the number of abrasion cycles a glove can handle matter?

Abrasion resistance is measured from level 1-4 (EN388), but within those levels, performance can vary. For example, level 4 abrasion resistance requires a glove to withstand a minimum of 8000 cycles, but MaxiFlex achieves up to twice as many abrasion cycles. MaxiFlex® therefore far exceeds the minimum performance requirements of level 4 abrasion resistance and would be considered more durable than a product only just achieveing level 4.

Is MaxiFlex® cut resistant?

MaxiFlex® Cut affords EN388 cut level 3 in addition to delivering all the features and benefits of MaxiFlex®.

What is micro-foam nitrile?

Micro-foam nitrile is a special, patented formulation of nitrile coating which allows our gloves (where this coating is used) to be fully breathable. The coating can be applied precisely and is thin, which means users can enjoy maximum dexterity and flexibility.

MaxiDry® - Great work gloves.

Ray Sutton
Ray Sutton

These MaxiFlex® gloves are really awesome!

Herbert Mendoza
Herbert Mendoza