Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Have a look at our FAQ page.

Is MaxiFlex® cut resistant?

MaxiFlex® Cut affords EN388 cut level 3 in addition to delivering all the features and benefits of MaxiFlex®.

How is the durability of MaxiFlex®?

MaxiFlex® is exceptionally durable, and has achieved up to 18000 cycles in testing, twice the figure MaxiFlex® colour copies typically achieve. All of this means that MaxiFlex® will last longer and help to reduce your glove costs.

What sizes are available?

MaxiFlex® is available in 8 sizes, from 5 - 12 (XXS-XXXL).

What are the dots for on MaxiFlex® Endurance?

The micro-dots help provide extra cushioning for repetitive tasks, enabling you to work for longer while enjoying high levels of comfort.

I love these MaxiFlex® Ultimate gloves.

Myron Miltner
Myron Miltner

Love the gloves. Best I've ever had.

Rick Poznanski
Rick Poznanski