This part of the standard specifies the requirements for protective gloves intended to protect the user against dangerous chemicals and defines terms to be used.

EN ISO 374-1


In 2016 resp. 2018 the standard was revised. Various pictograms were merged into one. Type classes differentiate between the various barrier properties.

EN ISO 374-1:2016+A1:2018

Type APenetration resistant (EN 374-2) + Breakthrough time ≥ 30 min for at least 6 chemicals (Test according to EN 16523-1)
Type BPenetration resistant (EN 374-2) + Breakthrough time ≥ 30 min for at least 3 chemicals (Test according to EN 16523-1)
Type CPenetration resistant (EN 374-2) + Breakthrough time ≥ 10 min for at least 1 chemical (Test according to EN 16523-1)

List of test chemicals

AMethanol67-56-1Primary alcohol
DDichlormethane75-09-2Chlorinated paraffin
ECarbon disulphide75-15-0Sulphur containing organic compound
FToluene108-88-3Aromatic hydrocarbon
HTetrahydrofuran109-99-9Heterocyclic ether compound
Jn-Heptane142-82-5Saturated hydrocarbon
KSodium hydroxide 40%1310-73-2Inorganic base
LSulphuric acid 96%7664-93-9Inorganic acid
MNitric acid 65%7697-37-2Inorganic mineral acid
NAcetic acid 99%64-19-7Organic acid
OAmmonia 25%1336-21-6Organic base
PHydrogen peroxide 30%7722-84-1Peroxide
SHydrofluoric acid 40%7664-39-3Inorganic mineral acid
TFormaldehyde 37%50-00-0Aldehyde


Deleterious change in one or more properties of a protective glove material due to contact with a chemical.


Movement of a chemical through materials, seams, pinholes, or other imperfections in a protective glove material on a non-molecular level.


Process by which a chemical moves through a protective glove material on a molecular level.

According to their permeation performance, chemical protective gloves are classified into three types: type A, type B or type C.

The tested chemical must be identified by its code letter, which is given below the pictogram. This letter is omitted for type C. Further performance values of tested chemicals are mentioned in the manufacturer's information.

ISO 374-1:2016/Type A

EN ISO 374-1:2016     EN ISO 21420:2020