With the OneMillionTrees campaign, ATG® is making a conscious commitment to climate protection and the preservation of ecosystems in Sri Lanka. With every tree project selected, we come closer to our goal of planting one million trees. We are not only concerned with reforestation, but also with activating wasteland and sustainably securing the livelihoods of many Sri Lankans.

We are currently establishing a new mangrove area on two hectares of land in the Trincomalee district in cooperation with the Department of Forest Conservation – Sri Lanka. A total of 10,000 young mangroves have found a new home here and will grow into a habitat for numerous native animal and plant species over the next few years.
In its salty habitat in the intertidal zone, the mangrove binds between three and five times more CO2 than inland forests. Over time, the cuttings here in Trincomalee will therefore absorb more than 100 tons of CO2 from the air and live up to their reputation as climate heroes.
ATG® promotes awareness of the ecological and sustainable value of mangroves. Our project in Trincomalee has a direct impact on the quality of life of the people in the area. Like a natural wall, the mangroves protect the coastal inhabitants from the powerful force of tsunamis and cyclones and fishermen live off the impressive biodiversity of this ecosystem.
A large-scale initiative to increase mangrove cover across Sri Lanka by more than 50 per cent was named as one of seven UN World Restoration Flagships. The award for the Sri Lanka Mangrove Regeneration initiative was announced by United Nations Environment Programme Advocate for Life Under Water and actor, Jason Momoa.
In 2022, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution sponsored by Sri Lanka to celebrate 1st of March as World Seagrass Day. Seagrasses are closely linked to mangroves and the health of the overall ocean ecosystem.