The standard applies to all gloves and other hand protective equipment designed to protect the hand or part of the hand against heat and/or fire in one or more of the following forms: flame, contact heat, convective heat, radiant heat, small splashes of molten metal and large quantities liquid metal.
The product does not claim a limited flame spread level of performance.
The product claims a limited flame spread level of performance (at least level 1).
Performance level | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
A. Limited flame spread Afterburn time (s) / Afterglow time (s) | ≤ 15 /- | ≤ 10 / ≤ 120 | ≤ 3 / ≤ 25 | ≤ 2 /≤ 5 |
B. Contact heat Contact temperature (°C) / Threshold time (s) | 100 / ≤ 15 | 250 / ≤ 15 | 350 / ≤ 15 | 500 / ≤ 15 |
C. Convective heat Heat transfer index HTI (s) | ≥4 | ≥7 | ≥ 10 | ≥ 18 |
D. Radiant heat Heat transfer t24 (s) | ≥7 | ≥ 20 | ≥ 50 | ≥ 95 |
E. Small splashes of molten metal Number of droplets | ≥ 10 | ≥ 15 | ≥ 25 | ≥ 35 |
F. Large quantities of molten metal Molten iron (g) | 30 | 60 | 120 | 200 |
Limited flame spread (A)
This test determines the afterflame time or afterglow time. The surface of the innermost layer of the glove must be checked. It must not show any signs of melting. There must not be a hole in any position in the tested area. The seam must not open after the flaming time has elapsed.
Contact heat (B)
During the test, the heating of the inner surface is checked by heating the outer area (contact). The threshold time is 15 seconds with a maximum increase of 10°C. With a performance level 3 or 4 for contact heat, the test for the limited flame formation must be carried out and at least achieve performance level 3.
The test reflects the protective effect of the glove in direct contact with warm/hot objects. However, the outer material can be damaged during the test.
The innermost layer of the glove must not show any signs of melting or hole formation.
Convective heat (C)
The heat transfer index (HTI) is determined. For this purpose, the palm and back of the hand are used and exposed to convection heat (test method according to EN ISO 9151:2016).
The innermost layer of the glove must not show any signs of melting or hole formation.
Radiant heat (D)
The heat transfer from radiant heat is measured in time (t). For this purpose, the hand protection material is used without any reinforcements.
The innermost layer of the glove must not show any signs of melting or hole formation.
Small splashes of molten metal (E)
During the test, the number of drops that lead to a temperature increase of 40 °C must correspond to the performance value. The power value corresponds to a respective number of drops.
The outermost and innermost layers of the glove must not show any signs of melting or hole formation.
Large quantities of molten metal (F)
During the test, a skin simulation must not show any smoothing or other changes in the embossed surface when the protective glove is exposed to an appropriate amount of liquid iron. The amount of liquid iron is defined by the performance index.
Material and material combinations that ignite during the test do not meet the requirements of this test.